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Released: October 30, 1970

Rating: 4.167 (average of 9 ratings)

Genre: pop

Quotable: --

Album Tracks:

  1. Ballad of a Well-Known Gun
  2. Come Down in Time
  3. Country Comfort
  4. Son of Your Father
  5. My Father’s Gun
  6. Where to Now St. Peter?
  7. Love Song
  8. Amoreena
  9. Talking Old Soldiers
  10. Burn Down the Mission

Sales (in millions):

sales in U.S. only 1.0
sales in U.K. only - estimated --
sales in all of Europe as determined by IFPI – click here to go to their site. --
sales worldwide - estimated 3.0


peak on U.S. Billboard album chart 5
peak on U.K. album chart 3

Singles/Hit Songs:

  • Love Song (5/22/76) #18 AC

Notes: A CD reissue added “Into the Old Man’s Shoes” and the original version of “Madman Across the Water.”



Tumbleweed Connection
Elton John
“Instead of repeating the formula that made Elton John a success, John and Bernie Taupin attempted their most ambitious record to date for the follow-up to their breakthrough. A loose concept album about the American West, Tumbleweed Connection emphasized the pretensions that always lay beneath their songcraft. Half of the songs don’t follow conventional pop song structures; instead, they flow between verses and vague choruses. These experiments are remarkably successful, primarily because Taupin’s lyrics are evocative and John's melodic sense is at its best.” STE

“As should be expected for a concept album about the Wild West, the music draws from country and blues in equal measures, ranging from the bluesy choruses of Ballad of a Well-Known Gun and the modified country of Country Comfort to the gospel-inflected Burn Down the Mission and the rolling, soulful Amoreena. Paul Buckmaster manages to write dramatic but appropriate string arrangements that accentuate the cinematic feel of the album.” STE

Review Source(s):

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Previous Album: Elton John (1970) Elton John’s DMDB page Next Album: Madman Across the Water (1971)

Last updated March 29, 2010.