February 16: Mom wrote in the journal she keeps on me about some of the things I’d been doing. She noted that my favorite toy is still Bunny, who I sleep with every night. She also commented on how I love my Boy and Bunny bedtime stories that Mom makes up for me every night. It started on a whim, but now I have to have my Boy and Bunny story before I go to sleep. It is a special bonding time for us.
This plays into what Mom notes about my imagination – I am playing creatively with my toys now, I have sat mesmerized through several stage plays, and I love playing instruments and singing. Of course, nothing tops reading books. It has always been routine to read before bedtime, but I’ve worked in a regularly scheduled wake-up-in-the-morning book as well as a pre-nap book.The world of pretend has become pretty important to me these days!
Mom also wrote in the journal about my first movie – Pooh’s Heffalump Movie. The funniest thing was how I wasn’t heavy enough to hold down the chair, so I had to sit on Mom and Dad’s laps. I was glued throughout the movie, though. I called it a “big TV.” |