Campfire 2008-09
Hello! This is my page about the activities I did in Campfire (kind of a version of Scouting for those unfamiliar with it) in 2008 and 2009.

Here I am with my group, called the Little Stars, at the Ernie Miller nature center.

We do a lot of outdoor nature-oriented activities. At left, I am petting Katie the Mule, who we met at Lakeside Nature Center, where we went for a Halloween nature walk.

At the right, you can see me in action
at our bike day and picnic.

We also did a pirate scavenger hunt. In the top picture, I’m checking out the treasure map that told us what to find. In the bottom picture, I’m checking out our ill-gotten booty. Well, it wasn’t ill-gotten. We didn’t steal it or anything!

We also do a lot of projects where we make things. For one activity, which my dad led, we got to build with marshmallows and make playdo out of applesauce.

In a nutshell, nothing captures the spirit of exploring and creating quite like these final two pictures.

This page last updated May 20, 2010.

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