Family Vacation, October 2006
Welcome to our 10/06 family vacation page. In just a little over a week, we traveled through six states (Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Iowa) and saw friends from the last 20 years of Becky and Dave’s lives.

Mike and Bev Old College Friends: Our first stop was in St. Louis, MO to visit Dave’s friends Mike and Bev from his college days. It had been so long since he’d seen them that they had two kids – Allyson, 9, and Laura, 5, since Dave last saw them. Laura, Allyson, and Levi
Evan, Laura, and Allyson In fact, Dave hadn’t remembered Mike’s fondness for dressing up in funny hats, but, considering his son’s wardrobe choice, he was in no position to pass judgment. Mike and Evan

Char and John Char and John’s Wedding: After staying one night in St. Louis, we spent the next day driving through Illinois and on to the Milwaukee, WI area for a wedding. Becky’s friend Char, from her Appleton, WI days more than ten years ago, and John got married. Evan, pictured at bottom left with Char’s son Sawyer, and Levi both enjoyed dressing up for the event! Levi
Sawyer and Evan Dave preferred wearing a swimsuit to a suit as he and Levi took a dip in the motel pool. By the way, Levi is signing “Dad.” Levi

Susan and Evan Appleton, WI: Next, we headed to Appleton, WI to see some of Becky’s friends from her community theater days. We stayed at Scott’s house (right) and saw a bunch of Becky’s friends at a party at Susan’s house (top left). Evan is holding his favorite toy, which Susan gave him when he was born. Scott and Levi
Evan and Marty At the party, Evan got the treat of meeting Marty (bottom left), who illustrated the book he’s holding. Marty signed the book for Evan and added an illustration on the spot.
Levi and Evan While in Appleton, we also stopped off at a children’s museum that was lots of fun.

The Losinskis: Last up was a trek to visit the Losinkskis in Michigan and the camp Becky worked at prior to her Appleton days. Evan had what was probably the highlight of his trip when he went ice skating for the first time. Evan also had a fun boat ride with Becky at camp.
Evan also loved dressing up in the Losinskis’ hockey gear. Levi’s dreams of a future NHL career were a little less apparent.

After our visit with the Losinskis, we had planned to go to Chicago to see more of Becky’s friends, but Dave and Becky were worn out and ready to head home. Don’t worry, though. Chicago will show up on these web again someday. That’s enough vacationing for now!

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This page last updated February 2, 2008.