The Omaha Zoo, 9/07
Labor Day Weekend, 2007: It’s kind of become a family tradition that we take a trek to the zoo for Labor Day weekend. In the last couple years, that meant a quick jaunt over to Topeka to visit their zoo. This year, made the journey to Nebraska to check out one of the best zoos of the country – the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha. It did not disappoint.

The first thing you notice when you arrive is a giant dome. So what’s inside, you ask? A recreation of a desert environment and plenty of exhibits of the kinds of animals that live in that habitat. Very impressive.

Once inside, one of the first things that grabs your attention is this giant ball floating in a bowl of water. You can roll it around in the bowl, which was lots of fun for Evan. By the way, if you look close, you can see Dave, Becky, and Levi’s reflections in the ball – and the dome in the background.

Of course, there were the more traditional animal exhibits, including family favorites like the giraffe (Mom’s favorite) and the penguins (Dad’s favorite).

Everyone enjoyed the orangatans…

…And check out the size of Levi’s hand compared to an orangutan’s!

We also liked the alligators and the octopus, which were both part of the family’s favorite exhibit – the aquarium.

The most amazing part of the aquarium was the tunnel you could walk through
and watch animals swim right above you…

…things like sea turtles and sharks (there aren’t any mpeg files on this site, so if you’ll just kindly hum the theme for Jaws right now, it would be greatly appreciated).

We squeezed all that into only a few hours spread over two days. We’ll definitely be back to take it all in again (and catch what we missed).

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This page last updated February 2, 2008.