The Whitaker Family Christmas 2005
Dave and Becky in back, Levi, Beverly, Evan, and Bob in front Dave’s family got together December 18 for their Christmas celebration. It’s nice to have part of our family in town to simplify the holiday get togethers. Mark, Chris, Liz, and Kathy in back; Beverly and Bob in front

Levi playing with activity center Of course, Evan and Levi cleaned up on gifts. Evan opening gift

Dave and Becky loved Evan’s present that he made at preschool – handprints and a poem. Mom cried. Evan did a great job keeping it a secret until Christmas.

Evan had fun with these big sunglasses, part of a set of dress up stuff from Mark and Liz.

Levi didn’t get what was going on, but liked having lots of people with whom to interact. Hey, he’s got a big smile on his face – what better present can you ask for than that?

Hit the back button to return to your previous page or check out these other 2005 Christmas pages:

Click here to see the Gunn Christmas 2005 celebration. Check out Evan and Levi’s tribute to Clement C. Moore’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ poem.

This page last updated February 2, 2008.