The Gunn Family Christmas 2005
Our family spent Christmas ’05 in North Carolina at Becky’s Mom’s house. The only member of the crew missing was Becky’s niece Liz, who is spending a year in China!

This was Levi’s first Christmas and first trip to North Carolina, but it was certainly not his first time to see Grandmommy Shirley since she’s been to visit several times. It also wasn’t even Levi’s first plane trip since he’d gone to Washington D.C. a few months back to visit friends with Mom.

Evan was pretty excited about Christmas, playing Santa and reindeer for weeks beforehand. When we visited Santa, though, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted for Christmas. Santa did bring him these Berenstain bears figures, though, since they are Evan’s current favorite stories.

Evan was pretty entertained with watching everyone else open presents. Here he decided to try on some of Mom’s clothes.

Aunt Jennifer, Evan, Uncle Chris Of course, seeing family is the big highlight. Cousin Nate, Aunt Jennifer, Cousin Mike

We also saw some of Becky’s cousins, who rented a house for a few days. This gave Evan a chance to play with his second cousin Ethan, only a few months older.

While at the rented house, the cousins threw a birthday party for Uncle Chris (December 29). He joked that his cousins did more for his birthday than his sisters.

Of course, Levi didn’t quite understand the whole Christmas thing, but he loved being around all the people. One of his big moments had nothing to do with Christmas – he’s sitting up pretty well now!

Hit the back button to return to your previous page or check out these other 2005 Christmas pages:

Click here to see the Gunn Christmas 2005 celebration. Click here to see the Whitaker Christmas 2005 celebration. Check out Evan and Levi’s tribute to Clement C. Moore’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ poem.

This page last updated February 2, 2008.