The Gunn Family Christmas 2007
With the Gunn family scattered across the U.S.A. – six states are represented here (AZ, CA, KS, MN, NC, PA) – Christmas is quite the family reunion. This time we hosted, making for a challenge to find somewhere for everyone to bunk. The Holiday Inn down the road didn’t seem to mind our business (and the twentysomething cousins didn’t mind a bit of quality time AWAY from the rest of the crew.

left to right, including how they relate to Becky: Dave (husband), Becky (holding son Levi), Evan (son), Liz (niece), Nate (nephew), Jennifer (sister), Michael (nephew), Shirley (mom), Chris (brother)

Christmas Eve was celebrated with a nice dinner that no one had to cook – well, okay, someone at New Chinatown restaurant had to cook it, but no one in our household was involved.

The party atmosphere kicked in with an English tradition of Christmas crackers, which are noisemakers which you “crack” by pulling a ribbon. Inside each is a toy surprise and, as you see below, a colorful paper hat.

Chris and Evan Levi Jennifer, Michael, and Becky

As for Christmas morning, the stockings had been properly stuffed and the tree…well, it was pretty stuffed, too. Dave wondered if they would get all the presents open before Nate arrived – the day after Christmas.

Well, eventually all the stockings were unstuffed and the presents unwrapped. Miraculously, it was even done by lunch time.

Some watched intently as each package was unwrapped.
Shirley Gunn
Liz Arnold and Michael Francum Others couldn’t quite make it. Okay, okay, in the interest of full disclosure, Liz and Michael didn’t actually fall asleep until after all the unwrapping.

Amidst all the festivities, time was passed with fencing duals (Spiderman wielding a light saber?), movie going (Dave saw four), a visit to both an art museum and a children’s museum, countless trips to the grocery store, sledding, a play at the Coterie theater, a couple Sprint phone store excursions, a tour of the the Kansas City Star newspaper, a total of seven trips to the airport, and – get this – no big arguments. Pretty good, huh? See y’all next year! Nate and Evan, er, Spiderman

Make sure you check out the Whitaker family Christmas (button below) if you haven’t already!

This page last updated February 2, 2008.