The Whitaker Family Christmas 2007
If you’ve already checked out the Gunn family Christmas page, you’ll see a marked difference between that page and this one. This one’s smaller. Heck, even the Christmas tree is smaller. Is the Whitaker family getting short changed? No, no, no. This is the way things go when one family’s in town and the other isn’t. The Gunn clan traveled from five states to spend Christmas in Kansas with Becky, Dave, Evan, and Levi. Between the arrival of the first guest on the 19th and departure of the last guest on the 31st, we truly celebrated the 12 days of Christmas. The Whitaker crew did a one-evening celebration at Dave’s parents that involved two households each traveling from roughly 20 minutes away. If anything, the Gunn page should have had a lot more photos. Yeah – those of you familiar with this website are thinking, “this website could have MORE photos? Is that possible?” Well, as my computer’s hard drive will attest, it is, so be joyful and celebrate the economy of pictures presented here.

Ultimately, Christmas is really about quality time with family. You can’t beat reading time with Grandpa or a grandma’s inquisitiveness as you present her a homemade gift. Beverly, Liz, Evan

Evan and Chris Well, of course, there is also fun time to be had with grown cousins who still have plenty of play left in them. Evan, Kevin, Levi

After dinner and dessert (a slew of homemade goodies made by Liz), the presents were attacked. Some patiently looked on while others tore right through.

Then everyone departed for their own abodes – some way past their bedtimes. However, the next morning allowed for plenty of time to play with the new goodies – although apparently not enough time to get dressed.

Happy holidays, seasons greetings, and all that jazz!

Make sure you check out the Gunn family Christmas (button below) if you haven’t already!

This page last updated February 2, 2008.