“Compiled of demos the band recorded with John Cale in 1973, The Modern Lovers is one of the great proto-punk albums of all time, capturing an angst-ridden adolescent geekiness which is married to a stripped-down, minimalistic rock & roll derived from the art punk of the Velvet Underground.” STE
“While the sound is in debt to the primal three-chord pounding of early Velvet Underground, the attitude of Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers is a million miles away from Lou Reed’s jaded urban nightmares. As he says in the classic two-chord anthem Roadrunner, Richman is in love with the modern world and rock & roll. He’s still a teenager at heart, which means he’s not only in love with girls he can’t have, but also radios, suburbs, and fast food, and it also means he'll crack jokes like ‘Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole...not like you’.” STE
The Strokes’ Albert Hammond Jr. said of the album “‘It played a part in me finding my guitar tone. I heard it when I’d just turned 18. They were so energetic, so young. And Pablo Picasso is basically just the same chord all the way through! Now that’s cool’.” BL
“‘Pablo Picasso’ is the classic sneer, but She Cracked and I’m Straight are just as nasty, made all the more edgy by the Modern Lovers’ amateurish, minimalist drive.” STE
“But beneath his adolescent posturing, Richman is also nakedly emotional, pleading for a lover on Someone I Care About and Girl Friend, or romanticizing the future on Dignified and Old. That combination of musical simplicity, driving rock & roll, and gawky emotional confessions makes The Modern Lovers one of the most startling proto-punk records – it strips rock & roll to its core and establishes the rock tradition of the geeky, awkward social outcast venting his frustrations. More importantly, the music is just as raw and exciting now as when it was recorded in 1973, or when it was belatedly released in 1976.” STE
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Last updated May 17, 2011.