February 3, 2003: Hello, and welcome to February! My big highlight was my first solid food - rice cereal. I wasn't so sure about it, but it seems to be the way this eating thing works, so I'll keep trying.

February 6, 2003.

February 6, 2003. February 6, 2003: Today was Mom's birthday! Dad and I decorated the house and surprised Mom with birthday hats. Then we went to dinner at the Rainforest Café where I desperate tried to warn Mom that we were about to be attacked by elephants.

February 6, 2003.

February 9, 2003. February 9, 2003: I'm telling you these were already on the floor. I didn't do it.

Yes, I've discovered tupperware. Apparently it's for putting things in, but I don't see the point of that when this stuff is perfectly entertaining for banging on and throwing all over the floor.

February 14, 2003: I like this hat thing. I think I'll ring in every holiday that way.

February 9, 2003.

February 7, 2003. February 14, 2003: After months of holding me as I slept, letting me doze on the couch, and feeding me several times a night, Mom and Dad decided it was time for me to sleep through the night without feedings. Dad took the 10pm - 6am shift; Mom wasn't sure she'd be able to handle it if I cried a lot. I surprised her, though. I only woke up three times and each time was back to sleep in under five minutes. It really isn't so bad - as long as I have my rabbit to keep me company. Of course, I'm not going to make it easy on them - last night was just to let them know I can do it - if I want to.

February 15, 2003: In the last couple weeks, I've been growing my two bottom front teeth and my peach fuzz on my head is starting to become soft strands of blond hair. I'm going to get my picture taken today before I get too much hair. Click on the button below to see the whole batch of photos.

February 15, 2003

February 20, 2003. February 20, 2003: Today the weather was fantastic so Dad and I went outside and played in the backyard for awhile. Dad was a little eager for spring and he got me decked out in Cubs gear ready to celebrate baseball season already.

February 22, 2003: Today I go to my first swim class! I'm excited to get in the giant bath tub. I'm told I have to wear a suit for this tub, though. Oh, well. I'll try to have fun anyway.

February 6, 2003.

March 2, 2003. February 18, 2003: Mom and Dad gave me carrots today. Yuck! They also gave me peas, which were a little better.

February 24, 2003: Ah, sweet potatoes. Now that's a food I can eat.

See January 2003 page.
This page last updated January 30, 2008.
See March 2003 page.