I had my second swim class today. I love being in the water and even get my face wet. Mom and Dad both come swimming with me. What a wonderful family outing!

March 1, 2003.

March 15, 2003. March 15, 2003: March was marked by some things old, some things new. Routines such as my daily stroller ride and nighttime bath are still fun.

One of my new tricks that I've done for a couple weeks now is making raspberry sounds with my mouth. Pretty fun stuff!

I rolled over during tummy time tonight. Mom cheered and it scared me a little bit. Still, it was fun so I'll probably do it again.

March 16, 2003: Parks have been in my repertoire now since December. Here I am a bit hesitant on the slide.

March 16, 2003.

March 23, 2003: I also helped my friend Andrew McCall celebrate his first birthday. On the left, you see me in Mom's lap and Andrew in his mom Kathy's lap. Andrew and I are trading pacifiers. At the right, I'm testing out one of Andrew's toys for him to make sure it's okay for him to play with.

March 23, 2003. March 23, 2003.

March 30, 2003: While bath time is nothing new, the introduction of bubbles sure was.

March 7, 2003. March 30, 2003.

March 31, 2003: I've got yet another new trick in my bag. I wave hello to people now…and objects. Hey, why not be friendly to them as well? People at the grocery store seem to especially enjoy it when I wave to them.

See February 2003 page.
This page last updated January 30, 2008.
See April 2003 page.