Ah, the many faces of Evan Gunn Whitaker…well, at least three.
The shot on the far left is not an unfortunate crayon mishap, just a little face painting done by yours truly. If Dad updated the Website more often, we might actually remember where I was when I did this, but no matter.
The shot on the far right with the engineer hat is from a professional photo shoot. We got shots of the whole family and Mom gave Dad a frame of nine different black and whites that’s hanging in our living room.
Then there’s that shot in the middle. No, that isn’t a regrettable incident involving curious three-year-old fingers and an electrical outlet, just a bad hair day.
Well, with January comes the natural urge to dip one’s tootsies into the clear blue (how can something be “clear” and “blue” at the same time?) water of the local pool…well, maybe for indoor swimming lessons, that is! Levi and I both took lessons this winter. It was his first time, but it was old hat to me. This was, however, my first lessons where Mom and Dad didn’t get in the pool with me…
All right, well, the first time they didn’t have to get in with me. I was a bit nervous about the idea, but I adjusted.
In a little bit more fitting a move for January weather, Levi, Dad, and I got outside for one of this season’s few snowfalls. We headed for the local park, with me pushing Levi in his stroller part of the way.
Once at the park, I had fun playing on the snow-covered equipment. Dad also made this little snowman on the slide.
January also brought about a playdate with my friend, Julian. In this photo, we’re putting together our own little band. We should be going on tour this summer.
Last, but not least, one of those requisite bathtub shots that parents always think are so cute, but will come back to haunt me when I’m a teenager.