Well, it’s December and that means Christmas #2 for me. Our family didn’t travel this Christmas and didn’t have any family at our house…it was pretty quiet.
Of course, Evan and I still got in the Christmas spirit and made sure and visit Santa and tell him what we wanted for Christmas.
I’m not completely sure what this package thing is all about, but they’re fun to open.

Then, there were even gifts on Christmas morning that were unwrapped that were from Santa – like my very own oven. I love cooking!

Of course, the whole month wasn’t about Christmas. I also had fun with a couple of Parents As Teachers events. We had a Messy Night where I got to paint and then I also went to the play center.

We also got some snow. I’m not so sure about maneuvering around in it yet, though. It seems easiest to just plop down on the ground and stay put.

Well, that’s it for December. See ya next year!

See November 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See January 2007 page.