Hey! Welcome to the Website where all the cool toddlers go.

Okay, okay, I didn’t claim to be cool all the time. Even the best of us are occasionally caught in embarrassing positions.

This was an interesting month as far as weather goes. First we got hit with autumn…

…and then, before you know it, here comes winter!

Still, as fun as snow is, the big excitement this month was a visit from Grandmommy Shirley. She read to me, danced with me, wore cowboy hats…wow!

Our family had some professional photos taken this month. Dad put together this collage of a few of his favorite solo shots of me.

I made an important discovery this month…cabinets can hold more than just pots and pans!

I also figured out that stacking cans is fun.

I tried out this reading thing that Grandmommy Shirley did with me. Hmm…when she did it, the pictures weren’t upside down…

I also like playing trains and taking baths…hey, wait a minute! Dad, this is my bath time!

See October 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See December 2006 page.