Welcome to March!

In the ever-continuing saga of my learning how to move about, I’m mastering the art of pulling up on things and trying to cruise. As you can tell by the picture at right, Dad can be overprotective – something about me falling and cracking my head open – but I’m pretty happy trying to do this all by myself.

So if Dad’s nervous about me falling down while I’m trying to walk, why the heck is he letting me get behind the wheel of a car? Boy, parents and their inconsistency – it starts early, doesn’t it?

The car photo above and the picture at left are taken at Googols of Fun, a children’s museum in Lawrence, KS. The car was my favorite, but Evan seemed pretty enthralled by the reverse vacuum that shot balls and balloons up in the air. Admittedly, I was captivated by that as well. What can I say, the camera doesn’t lie.

Speaking of my brother, let me just say that at a mere 10 months old, I may have already experienced some sibling rivalry. He isn’t wild about me putting his toys in his mouth and I’m not real happy when he pulls them away from me. However, when all is said and done, who can’t love their big brother? (Note: my dad, an older brother, puts this site together and he may be letting some of his own personal biases come through).

So here’s a story that involves my brother. One of my favorite things to do is tool around in the kitchen in my walker crashing into things and finding things I can pull down – magnets on the fridge, my bag that sits on the kitchen bench, anything the family is unwise enough to set at the edge of the table, etc. Contrary to that “younger sibling tattling on older one” idea, this is where Evan likes to tell on me. When I’m getting too close to something I shouldn’t be grabbing, Evan likes to say, “Levi’s getting into trouble!” Ha, take that Dad. You may control the Website, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get in a little “woe is me” for the younger sibling.

But who am I to complain? Life is pretty good.

See February 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See April 2006 page.