Hello, all!

The picture above showcases one of my latest talents – I can now pull up on things and stand. Of course, you have to walk before you can run, so it also follows that you have to crawl before you can walk. Actually, the latter statement is a fallacy; my own brother pretty much skipped the crawling and went straight to walking. However, I opted for the crawling first – it lets me get into things months earlier than if I waited until I learned how to walk.

Of course, crawling has its obstacles – especially if you’re going to surround with me lots of balls that don’t exactly make for the most stable crawling surface. Still, you can tell I’m having fun. These two pictures are at Paradise Park, one of Evan’s favorite outings. Thanks to a room designed just for my age, it’s pretty high on my list as well.
These two pictures are also from Paradise Park, but in a different area.

Some of you out there have been privileged to see one of Evan’s stage performances. He loves to get up on the fireplace and sing and dance or do a play. Often shyness kicks in when its guests outside the family, though, I, however, get to see the no-holding-back shows. As you can tell, even from just seeing the back of my head, Evan knows how to put on quite the mesmerizing performance.

See ya next month!

See January 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See February 2006 page.