Oh, hey! Just hanging out here in the closet. Do you think Dad will find me in here?

I had lots of fun playing with our water table outside. Of course, I might as well have been inside in the tub. I got just as wet!

Our family has made a tradition out of visiting the Topeka Zoo over Labor Day weekend. As you can see here, I’m about to disrupt a sleeping lion. Won’t that be fun? If only this glass weren’t in the way…

Welcome to Levi’s World of Hats! We’ve got hats, hats, hats! Any kind of hat you could want!
We’ve got football helmets! We’ve got jester hats! We’ve got…strainers?
I told ya – we’ve got every kind of hat you could possibly want!

Well, gotta motor! See you in October!

See August 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See October 2006 page.