Hey there! Welcome to August! Gotta keep cool, babe!

Of course, shades can and hanging out in a diaper can help, but what it really takes is plopping down in the front yard in front of the sprinkler.
Ice cream doesn’t hurt either.

Staying inside is another way to stay cool. There’s nothing better than curling up with a good book – or ten or twelve or more. Not especially comfy to sit on, though.
Oh, hey! Maybe Aunt Jennifer can read a book to Evan and me. This seems to be a better plan.

As always, we had some fun activity away from home. I loved going to a local children’s museum. The highlights were this doorway, which I went through over and over, and the grocery store area where I kept Dad busy trying to put things back which I got out.

In true little brother fashion, I’m also trying hard to keep up with big brother. I want to do what he does, play with what he plays with, and, look like him. Admit it, if it weren’t for my bib, you can’t tell us apart, can you?

See July 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See September 2006 page.