Welcome to February! I don’t know about you, but I’m having a ball!
I’m also face painting, serving up some pizza, driving an ice cream truck (that’s Snoopy serving as my co-pilot), and playing at a water table…all at Paradise Park, one of our family’s regular entertainment haunts. Heck, if you scour through my past pages, you could probably find enough pics of me at Paradise Park to put together a book!

We also had an outing this month to a local nature center. I especially liked the squirrels, which seems a little silly since I can see them out my front window any time.

I also helped celebrate a couple birthdays this month, including Mom’s! Evan and Dad and I took Mom out to dinner and had a couple of her friends there to surprise her. Dylan and Austin, sons of Mom’s friend Susie, are posed with us at right.

But, life isn’t all fun and games. Sometimes there’s work to be done.

Then again, as soon as the sweeping is out of the way, it’s right back to fun stuff like bubbles, so life may be pretty close to all fun and games. Well, see you next month!

See January 2007 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See March 2007 page.