Guess who turns two this month! You can check out my birthday page by clicking on the button below.

We also celebrated Mother’s Day this month. Mom, Dad, Evan, Mama, Papa, and I went to Strouds, a restaurant known for homestyle cooking. I liked the outside area best – including, appropriately enough, watching the baby geese with their mother, and riding a buggy with Evan.

While we’re on the subject of Mom, I had fun with Mom and Evan at Deanna Rose farm, a family favorite in the warm months. I liked riding on the digger, as well as feeding the goats and waving to them.

In other Mom-related news, the whole family took a vacation to Rhode Island to visit Mom’s friend Jodie. Check out that page by clicking on the button below.

Back at home, we had plenty of time to enjoy more outdoor excursions, including some water play.

Dad and Evan and also I had an outing to Old Shawnee Town, an area set up to look like a small rural town might have a 100 years ago. I especially like the fire truck, while Evan and I were both amused by the sod house with grass growing on the roof!

Well, that’s all for now. See you next month!

See April 2007 page.
This page last updated March 5, 2008.
See June 2007 page.