April was a busy month, full of visitors, visiting, and celebrations.
At the end of March and into early April, Uncle Chris came to visit. You can’t see him in the shot at the left, but he’s at the other end of that tickle.

He timed his visit so to help Dad celebrate his 40th birthday. Click here for a page on Dad’s birthday.

Uncle Chris did fun things with Evan and me, like treating us to popsicles and helping us climb trees.

Back to Dad, though – part of his birthday celebration included a visit to Grandmother’s. Our whole family went and we took Mama and Papa along as well. That meant four generations were gathered together!
Of course, family is nice and all, but sometimes you have to get away from everyone and visit the bird in the lobby at Grandmother’s assisted living facility. Birds never try to change your diaper or make you take naps.

We also had a visit from Dad’s friend Vicki, who he knew from college days. She and her daughter Gianna went with us to Deanna Rose Farm (where I’m peering out from a flower at left) and Wonderscope, where Gianna and I are doing some gardening at the right while our moms look on.

Also of note – I moved from my crib to a toddler bed. I rolled out a couple times in the middle of the night, but I adjusted.

I also entertained myself with diversions such as camping (in a tent set up inside no less) and baseball. Quite the shot at the right, huh? Hair sticking up, diaper hanging out of my pants, belly showing – I’m quite the fashionista.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot we also celebrated Easter this month! Amazing how a holiday can get lost in the shuffle of all the other activity that happened this month.

Well, that’s all there is for April. Stay cool until next month.

See March 2007 page.
This page last updated March 8, 2008.
See May 2007 page.