It’s November and that means Autumn, which means time to play in the leaves.
Dad always dreads all the raking and leaf blowing. Perhaps he’s not approaching it right. Our neighbor Mary seems to be having plenty of fun.
Still, I can see how Dad might not enjoy working so hard while I can just play in the leaves.

Dad does watch plenty of football in the fall, however. He works pretty hard at trying not to work too hard.

Dad does take us on fun outings, so I won’t tease him too much. Our local children’s museum, Wonderscope, just added a Lego exhibit, complete with Lego tables, a slide, and a submarine.

Dad also lets me help out on the cooking. As much as I like playing with toy food and dishes, imagine how much I like the real thing!

We had a visit this month from our friends the Kintzels. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of Micah, who just turned 1. I just wasn’t sure what to do with a younger playmate.

I’m used to playing with Evan – sometimes he’ll be silly with me; sometimes he’s just playing side by side with me. Of course, sometimes he doesn’t want to play with me at all. I get by, though.

Just in case you think I focused too much on Dad on this page, let me assure you I get quality time with Mom, even if she isn’t home with me as much. When she is home, we squeeze in our moments of silliness and fun as well.

See October 2007 page.
This page last updated March 9, 2008.
See December 2007 page.