Well, it’s October and that means Halloween! I tried out several costuming ideas to see what would work…
In the end, the chef costume won out. Some of my other ideas were admittedly a bit short of being fully realized.
So first up was a test run to see how the costume went over. We went to a Halloween festival where Evan and I took 2nd place for most original costumes! I think they just thought I was cute. Still, it was pretty exciting – Evan and I walked up on a big stage together and the audience clapped for us.
Then there was the real Halloween celebration. As you can see, Dad got in the spirit as well. Unfortunately, this photo captures about as long as I had the costume on. I had no interest in wearing it or even trick-or-treating. I’m two. I do these kinds of things.

Halloween barely touched on what all happened this month. I went on a special trip this month to North Carolina with just Mom. Check out photos from that trip by clicking on the button below:

You’d think that would have been enough excitement for the month, but we also went to the Renaissance Festival. I rode on the merry-go-round swing combo at left, but Evan wasn’t so sure about it. We both did the horse ride, though.

The brotherly nature of riding together took hold and before you know it, Evan and I hopped on a motorcycle and took off cross country together…well, okay, maybe not. This shot was from our annual family photo shoot, courtesy of our neighbor Mary. Motorcycle provided by her husband Steve.

We’ll see you in November – if the road takes us back this way by then.

See September 2007 page.
This page last updated March 9, 2008.
See November 2007 page.