January 11, 2002 January 11, 2003: Believe it or not, I love getting my diaper changed. I especially like it when Dad gives me raspberries.

Of course, I also think bath time is pretty fun. Mom's getting ready to give me a bath here. I can't wait!

January 14, 2003: Just the other night, Mom and Dad took me to a Gymboree music class. They decided to sign me up since I was so fascinated with the other babies and parents. The music part is great, too, but its hard to beat the social aspect.

May 29, 2003.

February 28, 2003. January 14, 2003: I'm learning new tricks! One of my favorite tricks now is to grab my binky and put it my mouth. Sometimes I put it in upside down, but, hey, I'm still learning.

Also, it was just a few weeks ago, I could hold things if someone handed them to me, but now I can reach for them myself.

January 14, 2003: I'm also trying to sit up. My stomach muscles are getting stronger and I can pull up to a sitting position if someone holds my hands. Staying there is a little tougher.

It's also pretty fun to play in my bouncy swing. It at least lets me feel like I'm moving myself a little bit.

January 17, 2003: This is my friend Andrew McCall. He's 4 1/2 months older than me. His mom and my dad used to work together. We decided to take them out for lunch.

January 17, 2002

January 19, 2002 January 19, 2003: My first snow! It melted pretty quick, but not fast enough to keep Mom and Dad from rushing outside to snap this photo of me with my snowman that my cousin Liz gave me for Christmas.

January 22, 2003: I love looking at books. It's getting close to bedtime in the photo on the right, but I promised Dad I'd read him one more story before he hit the sack.

January 22, 2002

See December 2002 page.
This page last updated January 30, 2008.
See February 2003 page.