My Birth

Levi James Whitaker
Born: May 30, 2005 at 12:55pm
Weight: 8 pounds, 10 ounces
Length: 20 inches

By 9 in the morning on May 30, 2005 (Memorial Day), Mom was feeling contractions pretty regularly. Within the hour, we were headed to the hospital. Once there, things moved pretty quickly – I was born within three hours. Mom got to walk around during her contractions and even tried out this big ball.
Mom also delivered me naturally – she had planned on drugs, but I was so eager to make my entrance that by the time she asked for them, she was dilated to 9 cm and it was too late. Roughly 15 minutes of pushing later, I entered the world.

Also in the delivery room with Mom and Dad during the event were Mom’s friend Jodie (they’ve known each other since they were 9) and Grandma Whitaker. They were a big help while Mom was pushing!

My first visitors were Grandpa Whitaker and Uncle Mark. They stayed at my house with my big brother Evan while I was being born.
Of course, when they came, they brought Evan along with them. He was excited to see me – as soon as he saw me, he said ‘me hold him on my own.’ Alas, Dad had to assist.

So – a bit of history regarding my name. My great great grandfather was Levi Rastus Drury. His daughter was Lee Ottis Drury, later Sample. Then came my Grandmommy Shirley, who is Mom’s Mom. We liked the name Levi anyway, but with it being a family name and the possibility of going by the name Lee, which draws from both sides of the family, it worked well. My middle name, James, is from my Granddaddy Jim (Mom’s Dad) who died before I got to meet him.

Here’s other links you can check out:

Click here to see sonogram photos and Mom’s tummy getting bigger and bigger. Click here to see photos of the decorating process and the final look. See June 2005 page.
This page last updated February 2, 2008.