Mom’s Pregnancy
November 11, 2004: Allow me to introduce myself – of course, to do that, I might need a name. Uncle Mark suggested R.A.D.I.O. (Rebecca And Dave’s Infant On-the-way). That works for me. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to know if I’m a boy or a girl. But, I don’t know those things yet. All I know is that I’m only a couple inches long and 11 weeks old and that my birthday should be at the end of May.

Today was a big day – Mom and Dad went to Mom’s 3rd doctor appointment to hear my heartbeat. The doctor said it was normal that they didn’t get to hear it at this stage, but sent us to get a sonogram to feel more secure. As soon as Mom got hooked up to the machine, I kicked into action, squirming away to assure my parents that I was okay. I posed for the two shots you see at the right.

It's hard to see, but in the bottom picture, I have my right arm up to my eye while in the first one I’m kicked back taking a nap. Pretty exciting! I’m on the way and growing all the time!

sonogram from November 11, 2004

sonogram from November 11, 2004

December 25, 2004: Well, I thought long and hard about what to give Mom for a Christmas present. After all, she’s already gone through a heck of a lot of work for me. I decided to let her feel me kick for the first time on Christmas morning. Oh sure, getting kicked may not sound like a great gift, but what do you expect? I can’t exactly go shopping.

January 12, 2005: Today Mom and Dad got to see more pictures of me. The big excitement, though, was that this time my big brother Evan came along as well. He liked seeing me on the TV. Of course, he wanted to watch Pooh.
sonogram from January 12, 2005 sonogram from January 12, 2005 sonogram from January 12, 2005
The biggest news was that Mom surprised Dad by deciding to find out if I was a boy or a girl. Dad wanted to know, but Mom didn’t. If you’d like to guess if you think I’m a boy or a girl, just hover the mouse over one of the buttons below.
You are correct! Poor Mom is going to be outnumbered. No sister for Evan. In the spirit of generosity, though, I’ll let you guess again.

January – March 2005:
Here are photos of Mom at five, six, and seven months pregnant. As you can see in the 7 month shot, my big brother is experiencing “sympathy pregnancy” and trying to grasp what it is like to have an ever-expanding tummy.
Five months pregnant, January 2005 Six months pregnant, February 2005 Seven months pregnant, March 2005

Here’s other links you can check out:

Click here to see photos of the decorating process and the final look. Click here to check out photos from the day I was born. See June 2005 page.
This page last updated February 2, 2008.