April 3, 2003: I put on a show for Mom and Dad tonight when I rolled from front to back several times. They clapped and cheered, so I kept doing it…probably a half dozen times. I like this attention thing.

April 10, 2003. April 10, 2003: There were several events to celebrate in April. First up was Dad's birthday on April 10. We got this family shot when we went up to Grandma and Grandpa's for a birthday dinner for Dad.

April 12, 2003: Well, I've been suffering from my first cold for about a week now. I've got a bit of a cough, am lethargic during the day, and just am not my usual smiley, playful self. The pediatrician nurse says it should last 7-10 days, so hopefully I'll be done with this cold soon.

April 20, 2003: April 20 marked two big events - Easter and Grandpa Whitaker's 70th birthday. As you can see, I was ecstatic to see the Easter bunny at an event at Sprint (Mom's work).

April 11, 2003.
March 27, 2003. Here I am with Grandpa a few weeks before his 70th. The photo with Mom and the balloon was taken on Grandpa's 70th.

April 20, 2003.

April 22, 2003: I'm clapping on my own now. I also like tapping blocks together, especially when Mom sings, "tap, tap, tap, hello; tap hello to Evan" to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."

Also during the month of April, we had a coworker of Mom's come take some black and white photos. Click on the button below to see them.

See March 2003 page.
This page last updated January 30, 2008.
See May 2003 page.