May 2, 2003. May 3, 2003: After not being so sure about rolling over on my tummy, I now roll from back to front and front to back regularly. It also seems to be a decent way to get around. I rolled across the floor at Steve VanLiew's house today. Who needs crawling?

Mom and Dad also bought me a walker. Wow! That's a great way to move around! My legs work! Mom and Dad better start house proofing…I love grabbing things off the coffee table, pulling magnets off the fridge, and I'm determined to yank that table cloth off the kitchen table.

May 21, 2003. Dad plays with me at Powell Gardens.

May 2, 2003. May 9, 2003: I've now been in the world as long as I was in the womb. I learn new things every day. Here I'm reading up to make sure I'm where I'm supposed to be developmentally.

On May 5, I had my nine-month checkup and was 28 inches long and weighed 20 pounds, 12 ounces.

May 6, 2003. I made this sign for Mom for Mother's Day - well, with a little help. May 11, 2003: My first Mother's Day! We celebrated by going to visit Mom's best friend Jodie in Worcester, Massachussets. I loved my first airplane trip - lots of people to entertain and to keep me entertained. I even got the flight attendant to laugh while she was making announcements. Of course, I loved seeing Jodie and her dog Brady. I also visited Jodie's family and they all thought I was quite cute. I ate it up and smiled and giggled the whole time. Click on the button below to see more about that trip.

May 7, 2003. My first plane trip! May 10, 2003. Here I am with Jodie and Brady.

May 21, 2003. May 20-22, 2003: Grandma Shirley came to visit. We went to Powell Gardens and the Parents as Teachers Play Center.

May 20, 2003. With Mom and Grandma Shirley at the Parents As Teachers Play Center on the last day it was open until next fall.

May 26, 2003: My third tooth (top left front) is popping through and the right front tooth isn't far behind. I've been a little fussier lately because of teething, but I also just plain want to move. When Mom and Dad sit me on the floor, I just get frustrated because I'd much rather have them hold my hands so I can walk. I haven't got this crawling thing down, yet. I'm not real hip on this laying-on-my-tummy thing.

May 29, 2003: One of my favorite activities is going to my Gymboree music class. Mom and Dad took me to visit a class way back in January and I've been going ever since. My favorite part is playing on the drum. I also have learned to clap because of taking that class. Yeah for me! May 31, 2003.

May 31, 2003. May 31, 2003: Of course, the big news is that I might decide to just up and walk any day. I love walking with someone holding my hands. Now if I can just get this balance thing figured out.

See April 2003 page.
This page last updated January 30, 2008.
See June 2003 page.