June 2, 2003: Dad and I go for stroller walks everyday, often to run errands to nearby stores. On this day, we went to get new batteries for the camera and Dad snapped this candid shot just to see if the new batteries worked. What do you think? Did they work?

June 2, 2003.

April 23, 2003. How about that hat? June 8, 2003: I have started babbling like crazy - I'm letting Mom and Dad slowly guess at how much I really understand, but I'm at least trying to humor them by coming very close to my first word. I'm thinking I'm gonna go with 'ball,' although I'm working on 'da da' and 'ma ma.' Now I just have to figure out what those sounds mean.

I'm also using sign language now! Whenever I look up at a light on the ceiling, I open and close my hand, which is the sign for light. When I see a fan, I sign for it by spinning my hand around. If I just hear someone say either word now, I immediately sign the word and then look for the object.

June 15, 2003: Dad and I celebrated Father's Day in the pool that he blew up for me and that Mom bought. While the shade is nice, this pool is a little crowded, so Dad and I go to a local public swimming pool at least once a week as well.

June 15, 2003.

June 18, 2003: Cindy, a parent educator from Parents As Teachers, visited yesterday. She was impressed that I am now pointing at things. She said that doesn't usually come until later. I showed off for her and clapped my hands and found items she hid under cloths.

May 12, 2003. June 19, 2003: I eat lots of table foods now, including ham, chicken, turkey, bananas, mushrooms, pears, zucchini, mashed potatoes, peas, and kid biscuits. I'm getting really good at chewing solid foods and feeding myself. Now, my aim is another thing entirely...

June 22, 2003: I was part of the dedication ceremony at Mom's Unitarian church. It's kind of like a baptism, but its more about the people of the church making a dedication to you then about you as an infant being made an official church member.

June 22, 2003.

See May 2003 page.
This page last updated January 30, 2008.
See July 2003 page.