Evan's World Tour
(well, at least to the east coast)
Up in the Air!

In celebration of Mom's first Mother's Day, the family trekked out to the east coast to see Mom's best friend Jodie. Among other things, it was my first time on a plane!
May 7, 2003.

May 8, 2003.
'Aunt' Jodie

Jodie has been best friends with my mom for almost 30 years. She was there when I was born. As she said to people during our visit, 'this is the baby I made.' Jodie was very nice to me during our visit. She played with me, changed my poopy diapers, and even bought me a Boston Red Sox outfit!

Oh, by the way, our visit included the states of Rhode Island, Massachussets, New York, and Connecticut. At the ripe old age of 3/4 of a year old, I've already visited seven states (others are Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa).


I loved playing with Jodie's dog Brady.
May 10, 2003.

Jodie's Family

I also met some of Jodie's family, including her mom and dad.
May 10, 2003. Jodie's dad Lowell Rapping. May 10, 2003. Jodie's mom Beverly Rapping.

We laughed and laughed and had a great time.
May 10, 2003. Jodie's sister Lynne Rapping May 10, 2003. Jodie's Aunt Rita

May 10, 2003. Lars Lunde.
May 10, 2003
Walk Down Memory Lane

The trip also included a visit to Becky and Jodie's old high school, Mom's old house, and dinner with Lars, one of their classmates since grade school. I ordered the strip steak and lobster.

The Touristy Stuff

We also managed a bit of siteseeing in the Boston and Cambridge areas, including a trip to visit Lesley University, where Dad and Jodie both got degrees (although Dad had never been to the campus before!).
May 9, 2003.

It made for a full vacation - I helped Mom celebrate her first Mother's Day; I got to ride on a plane for the first time; I made a new friend (Jodie's dog Brady); and, most of all, I got to see my Aunt Jodie! It was a wonderful trip!

May 11, 2003.

To see more of what happened to me in May 2003, click on the ‘Back’ button below.

See May 2003 page.
This page last updated January 30, 2008.
See June 2003 page.