August 22, 2005

August 1, 2005: The month kicked off with my two-month checkup. I’m 13 pounds, 6 ounces and 23 ½ inches (both put me in the 75 percentile). Incidentally, that puts me a mere 2 ounces short of what Evan weighed at this age and exactly the same length.

The month’s highlight was a special trip with Mom to Washington D.C. Dad and Evan stayed home – a little easier on the wallet to not fly the whole crew to D.C.

I was a good traveler – I let Mom walk around Georgetown with me in the snuggly and push me in the umbrella stroller through the Holocaust Museum. Even when our flight home was several hours late and we had to sit on the plane, I didn’t fuss.

August 23, 2005
August 14, 2005 We visited Gillian, who Mom lived with when she spent one of her college years in England. I liked playing with Gillian’s son. August 14, 2005
August 14, 2005 Of course, finding a place for a baby to sleep can be challenging. We tried out a suitcase, which turned out to be just the right size for me, but it was much more fun to sleep in the same bed as Mom’s friend Jodie, who also came along for the visit. August 14, 2005

In fact, I like this companionship while I’m sleeping thing. Maybe I can get Dad to hold me when I take my naps… August 12, 2005

Actually, right before the D.C. trip, I had another highlight. I met Dad’s Aunt Sara and Uncle Ralph for the first time. They drove all the way from Georgia to see little ol’ me! (Well, and Papa, Mama, Dad, Mom, Evan, Uncle Mark…) August 12, 2005

August 24, 2005 I’m starting to entertain myself a bit. I like the Sesame Street mobile that I can bat at and am beginning to discover my hands and feet. I still like tummy time as well. August 18, 2005

As you can tell by the first picture on this page, I’m getting the smiling thing down pretty good. The smile at the right was brought on from a nice outing to the park. August 23, 2005

Oh, and one last thing…we’ve gotta do that cliché younger sibling thing and discuss whether or not I look like my brother Evan when he was my age. So, check out the photo below – Evan’s on the left and I’m on the right. What do you think? Do we look like brothers?
August 5, 2005

See July 2005 page.
This page last updated February 2, 2008.
See September 2005 page.