Well, hello all! The month of July has been exciting. I’m moving from being just a bundle that has to be taken care of to a bundle with expression that has to be taken care of. I like to smile and coo and even laugh now. I also try to turn on the charm and show off my dimples, especially the one on the right; but you can’t see either of them in this picture. July 13, 2005

July 31, 2005 You can see me reacting here to Mom and Dad. I like to mirror people and do call and response coos. I’m a pretty easy baby – I don’t complain much; I like to sit back and take it all in. July 16, 2005

Of course, I tend to save my biggest smiles for big brother Evan, since he’s so good to me – AS ALL BIG BROTHERS ARE (that’s for the benefit of Dad and Uncle Chris – both big brothers who Mom claims weren’t always completely wonderful to their younger siblings. Can you believe that?). July 9, 2005

July 18, 2005 Mom and Dad broke out the swing for me and give me regular tummy time. I lift my head up pretty well now. Once again, you can see how my big brother Evan is entertaining me. July 8, 2005

We also got a visit this month from Dad’s cousin Carolyn (pictured with me at right) and her youngest son Jesse. When Mom and Dad bought our new van, Carolyn agreed to buy Dad’s old car. That made for a bit of a trek, since she lives in North Carolina! However, it also made for a good excuse for them to come visit me. July 21, 2005

July 1, 2005 Speaking of visiting, Dad and Evan and I met Grandma and Grandpa up in their neck of the woods north of the river one day for music in the park. Evan loved seeing the instruments and even went up to the stage area at one of their breaks to see them first hand, but I was less adventurous and opted to get in some quality sack time.

…Not that I can’t appreciate a good tune. At the right, you can tell I was pretty entertained by Evan as he played me a lovely tune on Mom’s flute.

…And on that NOTE (bad pun from Dad), I’ll say goodbye for July!

July 18, 2005

See June 2005 page.
This page last updated February 2, 2008.
See August 2005 page.