Check out my dimples!

 With three months of living under my belt, I’m trying to master the finer things in life – like playing with toys and drinking milk. As far as I can tell so far, they are both things you put in your mouth and have a hard time holding.

 I have discovered hands are good for making fun gestures. Yes, I do make THAT gesture – let’s just say we’re not going to post a photo of it, but I also do more politically correct things like a “thumbs up” sign – heck, I can do that one in my sleep.

I also have this gesture that Dad calls my “vampire” because I throw one arm up in front of my mouth like I’m Dracula thrusting his cape across his choppers. I try to keep Dad entertained.

I’m starting to get control over the rest of my body as well. I’m working on this rolling over thing for one – I can roll from my back to my tummy. I try to use my whole body in protest at the notion of getting dressed. At the right, I just had my bath and am hanging on to the towel in hopes of shielding myself from the imminent horror of being clothed against my will. I lost that battle.

One final highlight of the month was going to the Topeka Zoo. Mom and Dad and Evan went last summer and really enjoyed it, so we made the trek again this year and this time brought along our friend Christy and Uncle Mark.

See August 2005 page.
This page last updated February 2, 2008.
See October 2005 page.