June 1, 2005: Well, I came home from the hospital with Mom and her best friend Jodie. Dad and Evan stayed home and decorated for a little welcome home celebration. Before leaving the hospital, though, Jodie had to get a shot of my hospital “ID” – BB Gunn (Baby Boy Gunn).

Once home, I immediately set about exhausting my sleep deprived parents. Actually, I slept in the crib from the beginning and by the end of the month was going down pretty easily at bedtime and sleeping a few hours before my first feeding. Mom and Dad haven’t had to hold me all the time while I sleep like they did with Evan.

A couple of my looks that have already become Mom and Dad’s favorites – on the left there’s “hooray” where I throw both arms up when I’m startled. On the right is my “what?” look that suggests complete bewilderment. Little do Mom and Dad know that I’m really just thinking hard and already plotting what I can get into once I can crawl…

Well, okay, crawling may be a ways off, but I did get out for a stroller ride with Dad and Evan the day after I got home from the hospital…

…I’m also building those stomach and neck muscles now by doing tummy time. I like it and can stay on my tummy for 15 minutes at a time.

I didn’t exactly love my first bath, but after a couple of them, I liked the water pretty well. Eventually I got very content and enjoyed the warm water and looking around.

At this point, Mom’s already thinking I might be an introverted child. I like quiet time, get overstimulated somewhat easily, and am fine lying alone for awhile and just discovering my world. I really only cry if I’m tired, my tummy hurts (I was mar conium-stained when I was born) or my diaper is wet or dirty. I eat quickly and fall to sleep quickly.

Well, that’s all I have for now, but click on the button below to check out my visitors page and see all the people who dropped by to see me in the month of June.

Here’s other links you can check out:

Click here to see sonogram photos and Mom’s tummy getting bigger and bigger. Click here to see photos of the decorating process and the final look. Click here to check out photos from the day I was born. See July 2005 page.
This page last updated March 8, 2008.