I’m pretty good at getting my binky in my mouth by myself now. Of course, it is much more interesting to try to get the toes in my mouth instead.

I now roll from my back to my front and my front to my back. I haven’t yet figured out how to use that to, say, roll across the floor, but I can turn myself around in circles, which is fun. I have also managed to make Mom and Dad nervous that I roll over on my tummy when I’m sleeping. I tend to smash myself up against the side of my crib.

I may not be able to roll across the floor, but I’m getting this walker down. When I first tried it at the end of October, I tended to slump over and couldn’t even reach the floor with my feet. Now I can sit up and even scoot myself a bit.

 All this talk about rolling and scooting, be it under my own power or via the walker, has me longing for more. It’s time to hit the open road and feel the wind blowing on my face and…

Well, okay, a little soon for that. Our neighbor, Steve, rides a motorcycle and a few years ago when his wife Mary was taking some autumn photos of Mom and Dad and Evan, they took some for fun on the motorcycle. Now it has become a tradition and this was my first chance to participate. If only Steve would have let me start the thing up for just a minute…

If you’re going to be on the move, you also have to eat right. Formula just isn’t enough anymore, so I’ve tried rice cereal for the first time. As much as I’ve stared at Mom, Dad, and Levi when they eat, I had hoped it would be a bit more interesting. Still, it is a bit of variety and it gives me something new to chew on, even if it is the spoon.

 At the end of a long hard day of eating and scooting and rolling over and such, it’s time to cleanse the body and settle in for a night’s slumber. That bath time thing is pretty neat. I like the warm water and kicking. I’m even trying to sit up in the bath now.

Well, see ya next month!

See October 2005 page.
This page last updated February 2, 2008.
See December 2005 page.