Six months old now! I had my checkup on December 7. I weighed 16 pounds, 13 ounces (which puts me in the 50%) and was 27 ½ inches long (90%).
I’m gaining much more control of my body. I still love tummy time, but can also sit up now. My new favorite position is “flying” when I lay on my tummy and lift up my legs and stretch out my arms. Of special note regarding these three pictures – they were taken at 1 in the morning when I should have been sleeping. Not looking too sleepy there, huh?

I’m also getting good at moving around in my walker now.

Then there are those times that I don’t feel particularly mobile at all. This first trek out to see the snow proved a little limiting. Dad put me in the stroller while he played with Evan a little. I really couldn’t do much of anything. Heck, I could barely see, much less move!

Still, even a little romp in the snow can wear a person out…

Then a new day comes along, and I’m ready for action again. Of course, Evan and I might need a few more pieces of clothes on before we can play in the snow again.

Of course, the big excitement in December was my first Christmas. Here are a couple photos of me with Christmas presents. You can also check out several different pages for Christmas 2005:

Gunn family Christmas
Whitaker family Christmas
a special version of Clement C. Moore’s classic Christmas poem ’Twas the Night Before Christmas’ as presented by photos of my brother Evan and me

See November 2005 page.
This page last updated March 9, 2008.
See January 2006 page.