October 30, 2005


Happy Halloween, everyone! I was planning to go as a giraffe for Halloween, but things didn’t go quite as planned. I did wear the giraffe costume (at left) for a pre-Halloween outing at a local nature center for a Halloween “Fairy Tale Forrest.” However, when October 31 actually rolled around, I decided right at trick-or-treat time that it would be a good time for a nap. Consequently, Mom just bundled me up well instead of waking me up by putting on my costume.

Mom did attire me with the festive pumpkin hat that Aunt Jennifer made. Here, I’m sitting in the swing after the trick-or-treating. As you can see, I’m now wide awake. Silly me and my timing.

The swing is okay, but my newest toy is my walker. Apparently I’m supposed to actually be able to walk around in this thing, but as of the first shot at this thing (Oct. 26) I don’t quite have that figured out yet. I’ll get it, though – as Mom says, I’m “a mover and a shaker.”

 Two other talents which I’ve been working on are sleeping and tummy time. I like the latter, but as for the former, well, I don’t have that one completely figured out. I sleep for a few hours at a time in my crib at night, but then wake up for food. As for naps during the day – forget about it. If you aren’t going to hold me, I’m not napping.

I got to see two pretty special people this month. First, Mom and Dad and Evan and I went to Iowa for a weekend to visit my great grandmother (left). This was the first time I got to meet her. She lives in an assisted living facility, which Dad kept saying is pretty much the same as a college dorm – only without having to go to class. Then again, that would make it exactly like Dad’s experience in college dorms. Anyway, I was quite the hit with the other residents.

Then Grandmommy Shirley (right) came to visit us for a few days. While here, she made a discovery that my parents had overlooked. While I had been chewing on things a lot, it never occurred to Mom and Dad to see if I had teeth coming in – so it was Grandmommy Shirley that found my first TWO teeth popping through on the bottom.

I’m pretty lucky to have lots of special people in my life. I love watching my brother Evan. He can do pretty cool things – like walk and talk and eat solid food. He’s also pretty nice to me and makes me smile and laugh.

See September 2005 page.
This page last updated February 2, 2008.
See November 2005 page.