Another month and more progress on this learning how to move. As you can see, I can get from tummy time to an up position to crawling now. Watch out world, here I come!

I’m also working on solid food. Of course, I do try to put some things in my mouth that I’m not supposed to eat at all.

Now, admittedly I don’t do all the work myself when it comes to things like feeding. In the photo at the right, my brother Evan is feeding me. At the left, he’s helping to give me a bath.

Speaking of baths, I took the big plunge this month…into the swimming pool. These pictures don’t capture it, but I loved it!

Of course, my time wasn’t restricted to indoor activities. There was occasional warm weather, such as the leaf-chomping photo above and the photo at left or me in the swing at left. This was my first time on a swing at the playground. It was lots of fun.

Some of the weather was more typical of January, though. Still, we didn’t let a little thing like snow stop us from a stroller ride!

A couple more shots before we sign off for the month – in true baby fashion, I’ve exhibited a fascination with the tags attached to stuffed animals.

I’ve also found a playmate, Zane, even if we don’t seem to be paying much attention to each other.

Last, but not least, I’ve adopted a new imitation of Michael Jordan to entertain myself…

See y’all next month!

See December 2005 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See February 2006 page.