Hey! What are you looking at?

Personally, I’m looking up at the tree. I love going outside and feeling the bark on the tree and then gazing straight up. Amazing!

Then again, I’m only a year old. There is much that amazes me. For example, after not paying much attention to books (Mom and Dad neglected me and didn’t make near the efforts to read to me that they did for big brother Evan), I’m discovering how amazing they are. They have pictures – and pages that turn – and sometimes really cool textures. Not sure about these word things yet, but I’m sure they’re in there for some reason.

I definitely like playing with balls over about anything else. My absolute favorite thing to do is play basketball. Evan got the basketball goal for his second birthday. I’m getting a year head start on him and plan to be shooting layups and dribbling under my legs and shaming the Globetrotters by the time birthday #2 rolls around.

One of the highlights this month was having Mom’s cousin Paul and his two boys come to visit. The whole cousin thing takes explaining – Paul is actually cousins with my mom’s mom, meaning that somehow the phrase “cousin removed” comes into the picture, but I can’t begin to understand how that works. Hey, I’m only 1. I’ll take a tip from my grandpa on this one – just call ‘em all cousins.

In the shot above, I’m generously sharing my, well, Evan’s firehat with my “cousin.” Then I discovered it looked pretty fun and figured I better wear it myself.

Then, in the shot at the right, I discovered the joy of hats in general. Naturally, a cowboy hat is appropriate attire when playing with a castle, right?

So, that’s all. See you next month!

See May 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See July 2006 page.