Well, hey there and welcome to May. Of course, the big event was my first birthday on May 30! Check out my birthday page (click on button below) for more. I will tell you this – my cake didn’t look like this for long.

Also, check out my first trip to the beach (button below). Oh, I brought my family along as well.

In between the beach and my birthday, I still managed to squeeze in some other activities. Dad and Evan and I went to the zoo, where I was fascinated by the meercats.

I also went out for a little drive. Hey, I’m a year old; it’s time to exert my independence.

Hmm…maybe I’ll perfect the walking thing first, though. I’m getting good at standing up and taking a few steps. Not quite crossing rooms or entering marathons or anything like that, though.

Well, that’s all for May. See ya next month!

See April 2006 page.
This page last updated March 4, 2008.
See June 2006 page.