Here it is – birthday numero uno. The first. The big ONE.

As seems to have become tradition for the first birthday, I got two cakes. Pretty funny when you think about it. Every other birthday – one cake. When you’re one, however, you get two cakes. Of course, the bigger cake pictured at right was to share with everyone else.

I then got to tear into the smaller cake all by myself…

I also got to open presents. At least my brother helped.

As you can see, the whole thing was a bit baffling to me. Check out the identical expression on my face in these four different photos (to be fair, I had been sick and was still a little out of it):

I did eventually grasp the concept. Oh – I get to open these gifts and keep them? And play with them as much as I want? All right!

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This page last updated March 8, 2008.
See June 2006 page.