June 5: Denver

If you’re staying at a guests’ house, would it be wrong to change the toilet paper so that it rolls over instead of under?

The Children’s Museum: This is what Levi has been looking forward to most and he isn’t disappointed. The highlight is the bubble room where Levi dips a large ring in the bubble mix and then pulls the ring over his head, leaving a bubble trail.
Evan responds most to the construction room where he spends more than half an hour using a saw, vice, screwdriver and other tools and supplies to build a something-or-other for which he hasn’t yet determined a purpose.

Tiny Town: I was pleased to see that a Home Depot was coming soon to Tiny Town, a complete miniature village outside of Denver, CO. Hopefully, tiny carpenters can now buy tiny tools with which they can make tiny repairs to the badly run-down tiny buildings that make up the tiny community.
Repairs aren’t the only necessity. They really could use more bathrooms – not to mention bigger ones.

Levi, Dennis, Dave, Evan, Kay, and Kelly

The Train: The kids were excited about riding the train, especially the kids-only caboose. They weren’t quite as thrilled by their fellow passengers who kept burping in the caboose.

The Mountain Climb: After Tiny Town, Levi and I go back to the house with Kay, Laura, and her friend Anna. I get a rest in the hammock while the kids play hide and seek.
Meanwhile, Evan and Becky head up what else – Mount Evans – with Dennis and Kelly. It has the highest paved road in North America.

The original plan is that the mountain crew should be home around 6pm and we’ll all eat pizza together. As the clock ticks past 7, I’m becoming very focused on the need to get Levi fed, bathed, and in bed. He’d been up way too late the night before as evidenced by his bouts of grumpiness during the day. Considering that the mountain crew will not even get home until 8 now (and will be bringing home take-out pizza for dinner), it is time to put Levi on a separate plan than everyone else. Kay puts a frozen pizza in the oven while I get Levi bathed and ready for bed. All goes well despite Laura’s proclamation to Levi that if he waits 40 minutes he can eat a good pizza. There will be no waiting 40 minutes. Levi has to eat now. Luckily, he thinks the frozen pizza tastes just fine. I, however, figure I’ll wait and eat take-out pizza with everyone else when the mountain crew gets back.

All is going perfectly. I’ve gotten Levi bathed, fed, and am tucking him into bed right at 8 – just as the mountain crew arrives home with the take-out pizza. Perfect, I think. As soon as I’ve got him settled in, I’ll join everyone else downstairs for dinner. Moments later I come downstairs to discover that the take-out pizza is already completely gone. I help myself to the sole remaining piece of frozen piece and quietly sulk to myself about this being my reward for being so diligent about getting Levi to bed on time despite the mangled plans.

Another Sleep Deprived Night: With the pizza debacle out of the way, another night of potential sleep deprivation awaits. I’m so exhausted from the night before (when Levi repeatedly kicked me and resisted any effort to be moved to a reasonable portion of the bed for his size) that I crawl up to his room right after dinner. I quickly decide I might be better off on the floor than in the bed. Even this plan goes awry, however. About 10:30, Levi wakes up from a bad dream. He’s too out of it to tell me what happened; he can only demand that he wants the light on and that he doesn’t want to be here. I end up crawling back into bed beside him to comfort him. Sigh. Kicked for another night.

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June 6: Denver to Westcliffe

This page last updated August 12, 2010.