Welcome! In June of 2010 our family took a vacation through Colorado and Arizona. I (Dave) journaled as we went, although admittedly the writing fell by the wayside for the second half of the trip. At the bottom of each page you’ll have the option to go on to the next page, turn back a page, return to this (the home page), or go back to Whitgunn.com. Click on a photo below to get started.


June 5: Denver

June 8: Durango

June 3: Kansas

June 6: Denver to Westcliffe

June 9: CO to AZ

June 4: KS to CO

June 7: Westcliffe to Durango

June 10: Flagstaff

If you just want a quick romp through select photos, check out the pics posted on Dave’s Facebook page. Thanks! Enjoy.

back to vacation 2010 home page

2010 Vacation Home Page

back to Whitgunn.com


on to the pre-trip page

Pre-trip Page

This page last updated August 13, 2010.