Howdy, partner! Being my birthday month, August was dominated by celebrations – three, to be exact. You hardly expect me to ring in the anniversary of my birth with only one party, do you?
In the picture at the left, I’m wearing the shirt and hat I got from my party at Deanna Rose Farmstead. That was the “official” party. Lots of friends and family were there – Grandmommy Shirley even flew in from North Carolina for a week to help in the festivities! Check out photos from the party by clicking on the button below.
I’m getting ahead of myself, though - here’s how the planets aligned to allow me to have a whopping three birthday parties. Mom’s best friend Jodie turned 40 two days before I hit two (sorry, Jodie, the world knows your age now – well, at least the world that visits me in cyberspace). Anyway, Mom flew to the east coast to celebrate with Jodie and help her move into her new home in Providence, RI. Even in all the excitement, Jodie still remembered my birthday, though – she gave me a harmonica and Bamboo, the stuffed panda in the picture at the right. |
While Mom was with Jodie, Dad and Uncle Mark and I went to visit my great grandmother in Iowa. She made me a cake (the first of three) and my favorite food (mac’ cheese). For a present, she made me a monkey out of a sock (in photo above), just like she did for my dad when he was little (he still has it). I named him Boom Boom, after being reminded that Curious George already belonged to another stuffed animal of mine. |
All that transpired the weekend before my birthday. On my actual birthday (Monday, August 9), Mom and Dad and I were all back home. We had cake and then went out to get a present Mom had wanted to get me for awhile…my first “real” guitar (actually a ukulele). Of course, this was an incredibly versatile four-stringed-instruments-in-one – guitar, cello, violin, and stand-up bass (well, maybe a squat-down bass). |
The final party was the Deanna Rose shindig, mentioned at the top of the page. Not everything in August was about my birthday. I’m showing an interest in sports as you can see by the basketball goal at the left which, well, okay that’s birthday related also since it was another present. At the right, though, I’m posing for my first baseball card. I’m wearing a Kansas City T-Bones hat. They’re a minor league team which I saw a couple times this summer. |
We also squeezed in a couple visits to the zoo. On one trip, the highlight was riding a boat and getting to see the giraffes. At an outdoor eating area, I was mesmerized by a squirrel in the midst of all these exotic animals from all over the world. Hey, I may only be 2, but who says I can’t appreciate irony? |
I also had my 2-year checkup at the doctor’s. I’m 29 pounds and 35 inches tall. My appointment was on Friday the 13th, but it was actually my lucky day – no shots! |