Dad, Papa, Uncle Mark, and I got to go see a Kansas City Chiefs football practice. I went all the way down to the front row to see the Chiefs mascot, KC Wolf. I also liked wandering around the stadium and checking out the ramps and stuff. I wasn’t as interested in actually watching the football practice. |
Dad, Levi, and I made a trip out to the zoo this month. I always like seeing the giraffes! |
We went out to Deanna Rose farm again this month. Most of the stuff was old hat to me, but I did get ride on this tractor for the first time. |
I’ve had ice cream plenty of times before, but I had my first banana split this month. Dad made it for me at home. For some reason, Mom and Dad tend to let me have ice cream after dinner and right before bath. Are they trying to tell me I’m messy? |